I’ve set this blog up to record my efforts to start my own
range of 28mm miniatures – British Army of the 1880’s in Home Service Uniform.
This should be an adventure. I’ve never blogged before. I’ve
never started a range of miniatures before.
What am I doing?
Ok, to give you some background (as it seems like the right
thing to do at this point); I was made redundant at the beginning of April.
Only remotely good thing about this is that having been at
the Company for several years I had a decent pay out; enough money to pay the
bills while I found another job, but more importantly (as far as this blog is
concerned anyway) that I had enough to fund this experiment.
Well, so far I’ve emailed several sculptors all of whom have
been incredibly helpful. Although some were too busy to undertake the work, I’m
really, genuinely excited about the sculptor I’ve got on board.
No, I’m not going to name him yet, not until the work is
underway. My money doesn’t come through until the end of the month so nothing
will start until then anyway.
Anyway, first hurdle passed – sculptor in place.
Next in line is organising the mouldmaker and caster. Doesn’t
seem to be an issue here, everyone I have spoken to has pointed me in the direction
of Griffin www.griffinmoulds.com . Got some prices which are about what I
expected. Hurdle two crossed.
So, what exactly do I want? I have some ideas, but my ideas
outstrip my wallet (seems to be an occupational hazard for a wargamer). For me the problem with the existing ranges is
that they are a bit limited. I’d like to cover units such as Fusiliers and
Riflemen as well as the ubiquitous Line Infantry and Guardsmen. The question is
how to do this on a limited budget?
The answer I’ve come up with is separate heads.
Think 7TV figures from Crooked Dice.
My master plan is to produce the body in various poses and
then produce many different head variants, allowing me to field loads of
different units, but with reduced production costs.
I think it’s genius. I don’t know what other gamers will
make of it though, so if anyone does actually read this (thank you for that) I
really would love to hear your views.
Anyway, I’ve rambled on a little too much so, again, if
anyone has actually read this – thank you!
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